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"Great, Darigan Citadel. At least we have a clue about what's going on. We have to protect you Siyoren, you're the last remaining member of the royal family, they'll attack you first." Martine was scared.

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"Don't say that. They might not have killed whoever they captured-" her breath caught in her throat. She hadn't thought that someone could die in the attack, but it was a good possibility. "You don't need to protect me. We will all look out for each other. I don't know about the glade. Illusen is well known, but it isn't easy to get to her glade. She's never come to the ball, anyway. She keeps to herself," said Siyoren much more bravely than she felt. She stood up and walked the rest of the way down the stairs leading to the main dancing floor. She looked carefully around the room. Siyoren then noticed something she hadn't noticed before.


"Chias have bad hearing, but I'm picking something up, and since you're staring, I might be right."


"Y-yeah, we'll protect you. If anything were to happen to you, I wouldn't forgive myself." Petria followed the group into the dancing area. She knew that Siyoren had seen something strange because of the look on her face. "What's wrong? What do you see?"


"Look! It's dark outside. It's only three in the afternoon- it shouldn't be dark! This is the Citadell's work. They wants Meridell. Again." said Siyoren shakily. She was only a few years younger when they wanted Meridell the first time, and that war had been scary enough. But twice in a decade was terrifying. They weren't going to give up as easily this time.


((I gotta go to bed. See ya'll tomorrow))


"I can hear something come close. We've got to get out of here. If Darigan is attacking, then we're not safe. We need Illusen now!" Martine was shaking in her beautiful dress.


"So... How was the raid, my minions?" Fang had her daggers out, and licked the blades. "Very well, there are very few still in Meridell. Those who resisted, were slain. Those we cannot find, will soon be slain." "Exellent... Wonderful... We will have a feast tonight from what you have stolen. Send word to the kitchens. It was not very wise of them not to invite Me."


"Oh no, this is not good at all." Petria looked out the window. "So it's true, Darigan really has invaded Meridell. But we're the only three pets in the castle who haven't been abducted. We need to help Meridell, or else it will be like darkness forever!" Petria's knees started shaking; she had never been involved in a war, just battledome fights. Okay, so everyone in the kingdom except for us has been kidnapped and Meridell is turning into a dark whirlpool of evil. We can get through this. It can't get much worse...can it?


"For all we know, it could still be dangerous outside. We need to come up with a "game plan". We have to rescue the kingdom! We have to!" said Siyoren much more bravely than she felt. "Come on, lets go down into the drawing room. We can come up with a plan there." she said, beckoning to the others.


Martine followed Siyoren to the drawing room. They sat down on the floor. Martine's eyes were red. "I have ideas," Martine said, "but they might not work with everyone. We could use an air faerie faerie abilities, my parents found me them, but you might have them. Also, we could be spotted by any Darigan patrols, but I have many weapons, as should the palace. That's my idea, what do you think?"


"Rally the troops, and get me my cloak. Death and Misery will taste blood tonight." She caressed her daggers lovingly, like babies. WHen she stood up to give her pre-war peptalk, almost all of darigan was there "For too long we have been discriminated by the rest of the world. We will make their discriminations come True! Darigan!Darigan!Darigan! Now go down there and Destroy!"


"Okay, Martine, the faerie abilities ideas could surely give us some good lead in the fight. We may also want to use light faeries, since the Citadel is a dark kingdom. And they can only attack us if they can see us. I have an idea, but you may not like it...," said Siyoren carefully. "We have lots of paintbrushes in the castle, mainly because I didn't like being a Royal Uni when I was younger. My mom and dad were fine with it, because they knew that I would end up liking being Royal, but, anyway, we probably have a few invisible paintbrushes lying around. Or maybe we could paint ourselves Dargian?"


"That's a great idea, Siyoren. I'd rather be painted Darigan, but chias don't come in it or invisible." Martine pondered for a second. Finally she had an idea. "Do you have potions? I can be mutant or darigan in another species! I wouldn't like it, but whatever."


Name: Bellatrix

Species: Kyrii

Color: White

Gender: Female

Personality: Bellatrix is a warrior at heart, and wishes that her parents would let her prove her mastery over the longbow in contests. Her parents see it unfit for a princess to enter in sports. She looks docile but her rage and anger can flare up involuntarily.




"Why am I late? First the coach broke down, then it rained now I have to trek through the Mereidellian woods." she moaned to Cathair, he pet white Crokabek.

"squawk. Dark shadows." Cathair replied. These were the only words he could say.

"Yes Cathair, It's night. We should have been there hours ago." Bellatrix sighed.

Being White, the Kyrii and her pet Crokabek were easily spotted in the night. They blundered into bushes, tiptoed past sleeping wild-beasts and eventually made it to a clearing.

Bellatrix's eyesight was very good, and she immediatelyrecognised the sloping towers of Meridell's castle. She ran towards the castle, knowing she was VERY late for Siyoren's party.


"Put everyone on a Pet that can fly. We will rat out the remaining meridellians." And Fang flew down to raid what was left, leaving more than enough gaurds to gaurd the prisoners. "now, where did you forget to raid?" Fang asked to a nearby Mynci. "The castle, and Illusens glade. We couldnt get all the cheese from the cheeseroller shop too" "Fine, take out the strongest of the remaining forces first. Set everyone on a south easterly march." "Yes, M'lady." And the army was set for Illusens glade.


"Well, I know we have a few Dargian paintbrushes, and some morphing potions laying around. I'll go check in the closet." she said, cantering softly to the end of the hallway. She found three Dargian Paintbushes, and a Dargian Ixi morphing potion, among a few other potions. She took enough to give Martine and Petria a good choice of what they could turn themselves into. She brought it into the drawing room and set it all down. "Okay, I'll just paint myself Dargian, but what do you two want to do?" she asked.


"I'll be the ixi. I've always liked them." Martine heard someone walk in. "I'll go check it out." She looked into the ballroom. She saw Bellatrix. "Bellatrix!!! Come into the drawing room! Guys it's Bellatrix." Martine was jumping up and down.


"Bellatrix! We've been worried sick! Listen, we're pretty sure that the Dargian Citadel has invaded Meridell again, and we have to go there to help free our village. They attacked the Solstice Ball, and nearly everyone is gone. We can't go like we are, though, so we're painting ourselves Dargian and Martine is going to drink a Dargian Ixi Morphing Potion. I know this is in a big rush, but will you help us? Your eyes alone will be a huge advantage." said Siyoren quickly as she handed Martine the morphing potion. "Are you ready? I know it will be a big change," she said softly to Martine.


When the army made it to Illusens Glade, there was no lllusen. All that was left of her presence was her stuff. "Honey potions and wands of the earth faerie! No!" Fang slapped the paw of a grunt away from the pile. "these are for officers only! Go on, take your pick." Fang picked up a wand of the earth faerie and sent a third of her supply carts up to the citadel manned, of course, by ten soldiers to defend them. "We're going to the cheese roller store next! what else are we going to eat?"


After everyone became darigan, Martine saw something green. All of a sudden, Illusen popped out of nowhere. "Illusen what are you doing here?"


When the army made it to the cheese roller store, they found a quivering blue techo "Get into the cart!" Fang's power was absolute. "Take all the cheese, dont leave one behind!" Ill have to make myself a personal chamber out of cheese after this is done Again, she sent back a third of her carts loaded with cheese "To the castle! set the troops on a south-westerly direction!" And the army trudged off to meridell castle.


((Is it okay if I control Illusen? If not, I'll edit this.))

"Princess! The Dargian Citadel! They raided my glade! They're coming here right after they raid the Cheeseroller Stand. Why are you all Dargian?" she asked frantically, ending with a slightly puzzled expression. "How many were there?" asked Siyoren with a look of terror on her face. "Thirty, maybe forty. They looked powerful. We have to leave. We have to leave now," said Illusen breathlessly. "There is no question. Illusen, can you help us to get to the Citadel?" asked Siyoren bravely. ""Sure, but why do you want to go there? It's too dangerous," said Illusen. "We have to go to the Citadel. We have to free the village. That's why we painted ourselves. A pea Chia, white Kyrii, ranbow Kougra, and royal Uni would stand out too much in the Citadel. Please, can you help us?" said Siyoren very fast. "Yes, I'll help, and I suppose I'll come with you. But don't fret," Illusen said, seeing the terrified look on Siyoren's face, "I'll disguise myself as a dark faerie. The Dargians hate me as Illusen, the Earth Faerie, but they won't even bat an eyelash at Reiva, the Dark Faeire." said Illusen cunningly.


((I don't care if you're Illusen.))


"Well, this is going along well. Now all we need is to figure out what to do next." That's not going to be easy.


The army was at their doorstep! Knocking down the door, Fang ordered everyone to break up into groups of ten and leave no corner unturned.


"I would rather be invisible. The Darigan army could find out that we're not really part of their group." Petria took a glance out a window and saw a white Kyrii running towards the castle. "Hey, hey! It's Bellatrix! She didn't get captured!" Petria ran to the front door and opened it for Bellatrix.

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