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The ^<v Game!!!

The Big Cheese

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/\ In this specific room there isn't any water, but I keep two bottles of water in my room (along with two juices).


< Ummm..........


\/ Have you yet to do something that everyone else seems to have (EG - Gone on holiday, been to a concert....)?

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^ Umm... go to a concert. But a) I have no one to take me (my mom wouldn't go and my dad would be all weird about it) and b) I'm claustrophobic

< I wish I could've gone to the Tokio Hotel concert at The House of Blues... garr

V Any concerts you wish you could've gone to?

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^ When I got my internet on my laptop back (I know, I'm such a geek) or when I met my current friends =D


< Chews too much gum.


v Do you always like to have anything like gum or a sports drink near you?

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/\ Yes, I always have a drink near me!


< I always feel I need to be doing something else when watching the TV or reading, so instead of eating a lot, I take a drink :)


\/ Is there something that you always carry with you and/or take on holiday with you or to a friends house when staying?

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/\ Yes :* Not always though, it varies. I have a bit of OCD so generally don't go to bed until I have done everything I feel I need done (which doesn't need done, EG, playing some Neopets games for the points.....).


< Has just fully realised that you, intheblue (hehe, that rhymed ^_^ ) mentioned you were 10. Wow, you seem older - but I mean that in a good way even if it doesn't sound like it! :graduated:


\/ Has your name ever been mentioned in a song, film, book or whatever that you love and you feel all proud? ^_^

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^ Nothing much. I'm just really hungry right now xP Though it's too late to have food.


< Ugh, 6 more days until school and I'm staying up later than I am intending to stay up T_T


v Do you like staying up realllly late?

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^ Not yet. I did have a reading log (that my parents have to sign -facepalm-) that I haven't even started. I wouldn't consider it homework tho.


< Woot, school starts in 4 days as of tomorrow ^_^


v What's the most annoying song you've ever heard?

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^ Got in at about 6:30 this morning (had my debs last night...it's like a prom), went to bed at 9, got up at 1 then lazed around til I remembered today was the day I had to go to school to view my exam papers to see if I wanted them rechecked, did that, played lost odyssey. Now I'm about ready to go back to bed!

< I prob went into too much detail there but oh well

v Do you go into too much detail answering questions?

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^ Good chance I'll have some sort of dementia. My one gramma died of Alzheimers this last May, and my other gramma is starting to show signs of some sort of dementia.

< I got up at 7 on a weekend *slaps* However, I do remember a certain 10 year old who would get up at 5. *coughmecough*

V What's an early time for you to get up on a weekend?

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