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The ^<v Game!!!

The Big Cheese

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^ You can get round waffles?!!

< Killing time before I go to work...

v What kind of chair are you sitting on?

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^ Too lazy to go upstairs

< And darn proud of it

v Is money important to you?

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^ Either an iPod Touch or a Wii. I guess both are kinda expensive :P


< Lawl, I think I need a new iPod...mine can't play music anymore. :(


v Are you not-so-good at figuring out technology stuff?

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^ depends...if you give me a nice big book that explains everything, then I can! hehe :)

< starts school on Monday...and looking forward to it! Junior this year!

v when do you start school? (if you still go to school, of course)

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^ Yes, I still go to school...and it starts on September 3rd :)


< Grr, I feel bored right now, I hope there's something interesting on TV/something good to do on the internet.


v Do you like chocolate milk?

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^ Uh... not really. But I don't dislike it either.

< *is sick*

v Have you gotten sick recently?

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^ No but I think I have a bit of a cold

< Ah I'm going out soon! I should get dressed!

v Do you tend to stay in your pjs if you're not going anywhere?

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^ Nope, I'm female. Females aren't named Ryan, I guess. :P


< I don't want my space bar to fall off :'( On-screen keyboards seem like no fun...


v Do you think laptop computer keys can fall off? :P

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^ If you're mean to them I guess so

< I finally found someone in real life who's heard of theory of a dead man and likes them!

v have you heard of them?

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^ Uh... any colour is fine for me.

< *is not the picky sort*

v Do you tend to spend ages selecting stuff?

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^ Rarely. Sometimes I quickly make up my mind, and sometimes I don't.


< I want to eat the chocolate bar that was placed in my shopping bag when I went shopping today, but I'm not so sure... :sad01_anim:


v Do you like the Jonas Brothers? :P

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^ I'll have to say no to that, seeing as I don't know who the Jonas Brothers are.

< *is feeling bored and eyeing my stack of assignments warily*

v Are you an expert procrastinator?

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