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The ^<v Game!!!

The Big Cheese

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^ no

< have been to all disneys but the one in hong kong

v will you eat paper?

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^ it's a tie between grease, footlose, and shreck 2.

< *dances to footlose theme song*

v what's you fav actor/actress?

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^ .

< (:

V what's black & white, black & white, black & white, & green?

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^ ew no.

< no, it's three skunks fighting over a pickle.

V do you like pickles?

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^ I haven't had one but I don't really want to either


v how old were you when you 1st saw grease?

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^ i can't remember, maybe 10?

< *plays grease record we have in den*

v do you have/ ever had a record player?

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^ yes

< has record player in den :)

v i'm i the only one here that's under 40, yet still has a record player & records?

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^ nope-I'm 16 and sometimes (in an effort to relive my younger days) I will get out my parent's old record player and listen...it's under my bed right now. :) Does that count?


< *falls asleep*


v random question! have you ever stayed awake for a whole night?

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^ yep I've been to 3

< bleh I gotta get a job

v where does all your money go?

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^ towards my video game fund.

< loves video games

V what's your fav video game?

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^ Haha, I am one of those [not-so, if you think] rare people who does not like video games.


< I need to get some sleep and get a snack, but I don't want to do both. (It's 11 minutes until midnight here)


v I'm positive you're thinking something like, "How can someone possibly hate video games? That person has a computer, and...you get it!"

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^ yah, that's what i'm thinking

< can't imagine life without video games

v are you hungry?

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^ I don't know. Good question, though. :) Most (not all) of the stuff on my iPod is stuff I like, and I don't find it cheesy/embarrassing. :P


< I need more songs for my iPod. I can't get any more though...for now.


v Are you waiting for any music albums to be released?

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^ Yes, I want the next Finntroll CD to come out (It probably won't for a few years ;b)

< I still use the good old CD player and CDs (most of them burnt copies, don't want to break real ones) MP3 players cost too much for good ones and I don't like apple.

V Who here has heard of the band Wookiefoot? (besides me posting the name)

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^ no

< wondering who is wookiefoot

V who's wookiefoot?

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