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The ^<v Game!!!

The Big Cheese

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^ Yes, for some weird reason.

< Although I'm not exactly an expert at it.

v Are you one of those people that can procrastinate as much as they want but somehow still get everything done?

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^ Last year I think... I can't remember, it has been so long!

< blah blah blah... got our office exterminated for cockroaches on Friday and I came in this morning to find one on my desk EWWW!!! I hate the stupid little things!!!

v Do you like cockroaches?

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^ Nothing

< Yicky Icky cockroaches.. they are going to be falling all over the place fro the next week or so :(

v Purple elephants are cool, eh?

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^ I have never painting any of my pets, am saving up for the lab.

< I keep hearing things :(

v Would you get worried if you saw green people running around?

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^ Well how am I suppose to answer that, since it ain't a question?

< I need a new bikini, but will wait til summer

V How many stars can you see?

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^ The same number as how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Toostie Pop.

< 1,2,3,*crunch*

V How many licks does it take?

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^ Well, the world may never know...


< Is staying up way too late AND is too good at procrastinating. Pretty bad, don't ya think?


v Sometimes uses "yer" instead of your/you're and "ya" instead of you

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^ I do use ya instead of you sometimes, but don't think I have ever used yer!

< ...

v What is your favourite colour car?

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^ Black.

< I have an affinity for black.

v Favourite colour?

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^ Black (I know it is a shade not a colour, but it is still my favourite)

< 30 mins til I get to go home :)

v Did you know that purple elephants and black tigers make orange cows?

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^ Of course.

< Everybody on TDN knows that! (:

v Is it the morning, afternoon, or evening for you right now?

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^ it's currently 7.45pm so I'll wager...evening!

< Getting used to my high shoes for gradution so I won't fall!

v have any plans for inventions?

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^ Yep. I invented something in a dream once.

< I don't think I'm going to pursue it... maybe I'll just tell someone technically ept my idea so they can do it.

v If your computer crashed right now, what's the first thing you would do?

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^ Try and turn it back on and then ring Helpdesk, work computer so that is all I can do.

< Just got to work.

v So if purple elephants and black tigers make orange cows, what do orange cows and puple elephants make?

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^ Umm... actually, yes I do!!

< How did you know that?

V So if orange cows and puple elephants make pink kangaroos, then what to pink kangaroos and black tigers make?

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^ Red gorillas! ^_^

< *Is reminded of Tarzan for some reason*

v Have you watched any really old movies recently?

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^ don't know much about the 50s

< I've never even seen Grease!

v shocked?

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