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The ^<v Game!!!

The Big Cheese

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^ I used to, but I don't really anymore.

< Snoopy is evil and bent on world domination.

v Are you bent on world domination?

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^ Well not technically, but I did terrorise an entire country by using various devices to make spooky noises. :evil:

< I strive to be evil, but Microsoft, Apple, and several other large corporations are offering fierce competition.

v Do you hate Microsoft?

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^ yeah (bill gates is on my list >.<)

< not as much as I hate sony though. they eat souls...KITTENS' SOULS!

v do you like kittens?

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^ Um, nope - I'm allergic to cute stuff.

< Dislikes cute stuff

v How much water do you drink in a day?

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^ at the moment...hmm...that 70s show, the IT crowd and the office

< wow I sound like a real tv addict

v if you could be anywhere (absolutely anywhere) in the world right now, where would it be?

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^ Not really annoying.

< My mum's strict, but not annoying.

v What's your mood right now?

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^ not really

< I had one of their songs stuck in my head for a while though

v what's your earliest memory?

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^ about a week ago, I get it quite regularly

< I remember/dream about specific details like what I'll be looking at as someone says something

v what's your deja vu like?

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^ Um, nope

< Likes strawberries but not chocolate that much

v Have you ever felt like you've got nothing to keep you going?

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^ I used to get that but I don't anymore

< I've perfected the skill of finding meaning almost anywhere

v evillest person you know?

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