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The ^<v Game!!!

The Big Cheese

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^ I would but meh couldn't be bothered

< Just saw 300 in the cinema (great movie!)

v Have you seen it yet?

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^ Uh brats I think...or stupid annoying people

< grrr my phone can only hold 130 text messages! I need more memory!

v how much does your phone hold?

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^ rice kripsies

< I'm going back to playing final fantasy vii for the 1st time this year! I *will* finish it!!!

v have you ever played it?

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^ uh I dunno what it is/was

< totally forgot about april fool's day this year :*

v did you?

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^ In the UK. 'Cause that's where I live, 'n all...

< Happy Easter. I'm burning myself on some hot chocolate at the moment.

v Do you think Easter is now too commercialised?

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^ nah

< Happy Easter, just about to have some candy

V do you like skittles?

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^ nope I prefer m&ms! especially the blue ones ^.^

< oooohh chocolate overdose going on today

v get many easter eggs?

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^ I got TONS

< Mmmmm...jellybeans

v Did you get any nerds?

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^ Balance of both

<It might taste good, but you have to control yourself sometimes.

v eat candy all at once, or save some for later?

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^ Eat a whole bunch and save a few pieces for later. :]

<I didn't eat any chocolate/candy yesterday and it was Easter...

v Do you like chocolate or candy better?

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