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The ^<v Game!!!

The Big Cheese

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^ Oooh tough question. For the pc I guess it would be Psychonauts, Fahrenheit or The Curse of Monkey Island (can't beat the classics lol). On the gamecube I'd say Burnout 2 and Zelda. As for the wii, I'll tell you in a week

< My brother and his friend are gonna dress up as Link and Mario when they go get their wiis on launch day. They invited me too but there's no good female characters to dress up as (that are possible...Samus would be deadly!)

v Favourite/weirdest thing you've dressed up as?

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^ Either benjamin franklin, a kangaroo, or a swiss milk maid...

< It's rainy outside

v has it snowed where you live?

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^It has never snowed in Auckland since I was born,except for some snow which a soft-drink company dumped in the main town-squarey place as a promotional stunt...

<It's currently 10:53pm in New Zealand..

V Gotten your AC stuff yet?

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^ Being with family.Being Chinese,we're really tight-arses and don't usually buy presents,but it's just the spirit.

<I'm pulling my bi-weekly all-nighter.Join me!

V How's the weather?

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^ Sunny, but cold. Makes a change from the dark and cold we usually have in Britain. :|

< Looking to buy a cool looking watch after mine broke. Urgh.

v Have a computer all to yourself?

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^ meh...it's alright

< wow there's so many genuine competitions to win an ipod these days

v Are they going cheap now or something?

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^ Of course not!

< cos I have 2 applied maths questions, an irish test, a business test, a load of stuff for classical studies to read and a maths test to do/study for

v What's the smallest class you've been in? (mine's physics with 13 people)

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^Well, concidering that my entire high school only has 138 students, and I've only got about 42 in my grade, the smallest (class wise) is about 20ish.

<I love my school.

v Pepsi or Coke? (you better say Pepsi, no pressure XD)

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^Coke (oh, ouch, burn) lol jk, um....I'd have to say the lunch at my school!!!

<Trust me you don't want to try the pizza.

vDoes your lunch look like its "alive"?

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^ Dinner...chicken, pasta and sweetcorn...I have weird dinners

< Aww my little first years' musical is on Thursday night...It's Mary Poppins!

v Ever been in a musical?

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^ Lays..I think. I had them on holidays and as far as I can remember they tasted like walkers

< Ugh why am I watching crap on tv?!!

v Most evil piece of homewoek you've ever gotten (and I mean evil!)?

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