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The ^<v Game!!!

The Big Cheese

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^ 4 hours

< My school FINALLY won a game at home Friday night; we beat our biggest rival 20-0

v Ever been to a Renaissance Fair?

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^ I've never known one to be held in Ireland...I'd prob go though if they did have them

< argh my irish teacher is after guilting me into doing some quiz in irish...he sounded like he was gonna cry or something when I was trying to get out of it!

v Ever seen/made a teacher cry?

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^ Um actually can't think of anything now...not trying to avoid the question I swear :whistle: no I'm actually not

< I just wasted a whole saturday at a college open day!! :grrr:

v What's the funniest name you've ever heard...that's a real name

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^ right now, a laptop.

< Thanksgiving!

v do you like turkey?

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^ yes! It's fun. :yes:

< Pie, pie, pie...I love pie...

v do you like pie?

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^ I don't care about rodents.....

< Bye!

v Did you eat pie today?

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^ um no

< woop I get out of p.e. this week thanks to a badminton tournament!

v ever won any sports competitions?

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^ breakfast...mmmm rice krispies

< I'm wearing one of those twisty things you close sandwich bags with as a ring...I don't know why though

v What's your fav smilie?

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^ I would but I've only ever seen it on tv

< woo gaia online!!

v what are you getting for xmas (if you celebrate it)

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