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So I'm working on getting the Altador plot done... and I'm at the Collector which I can't seem to get past because I need to get one of those items. Now I've been searching the shops and even the shop wizard but can only find the items in people's galleries. Does Anyone Know If I Can Still Get One Of Those Items To Finish The Plot? Or is there anyone who has one of the items that would be willing to lend it to me just so I cna get past this stupid part?? I would SOOO appreciate it!


Well, first of, welcome to TDN forum!


Yes, you can still finish Altador plot. If you need help regarding it, you can post in our Altador plot subforum :)


Uh, Lita, just a note - you aren't supposed to get the items you're looking for with the Shop Wizard, they only appear at the Altadorian shops.

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