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completed 2 and 3


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I think they were 2 and 3. (the drag and drop one and the new find the door with the bad guys around one). I surprised myself getting it and didn't realize until I'd done three of the mazes that I could zap out the baddies by stepping on their square. After that it was a matter of not being seen, but I did get 'caught' a few times. It's tons easier than the drag and drop one, almost like a breath of fresh air. Good luck to everyone. ...oh, I regret to say, I was so caught up in making the next square I never paid attention as to how I got to the end. Sorry bout that.

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Okay I was still working on part two last night then went to bed, I had about 5 left to do. For some reason today when I got on, I cannot get to part two anymore, but I can get to part 3....so I guess I finished part two?? Well I am going to attempt part three now which looks so much easier to do!

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I believe that is because you managed to decode Commander Garoo's message, so essentially you finished part 2.

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It took me forever to get past level four! I don't know why. Its when I realized there were those elite crew. Then level five took me a while, but not as much times as four. I think by the time I got to five I was new there was going to be more. I just wiped out all the elite so I didn't have to worry about getting caught.

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Same here! The last level I went through extremely fast, but the one before it took me forever! I think the best thing you can do is just watch where you are going and try not to get on the same line as them....however I thought I would HAVE TO get rid of some of those elites in order to save her parents and the scout, but I didn't have to get rid of any of them!

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Well it seems that those guys are pretty stupid for elites. :P How did they even manage to take over the space station?

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Phew! Finished 2 finally tonight (this morning?) and did 3 in hardly any time at all in comparison!



I was working on the 3rd step of the plot (last maze) ALL day yesterday before I found out I just had to get to the upper left corner to Cylara's parents! I was trying to eradicate every single Garoo Elite and kept getting caught. I think I'll use a guide for ALL the parts from now on, 'cause I really frustrated myself for nothing! *smacks self on head!*

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