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I dibs first Part 3? topic!

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Well part three is out now (I've done it, it was easy), so it doesn't seem like Part 3 will be a war, but the Maintenance Room (the place with the three rooms) has all of it's doors used up now, so perhaps the next stage will involve a war or just a new room.

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General advice : Start training one pet NOW! Sure, it costs alot, but you never know when it will become handy to have a trained pet! Plus, you can take part into the Defenders of Neopia and earn trophies if the plot don't involve fighting. But I highly doubt this plot won't involve the Battledome at all.

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I would start training but im poor :sad01_anim: I only have enough to buy food or potions. I only have like 20000 np not enough to train pet a lot.

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If there's a war, my pet will do all right, but I'm training him a bit more just in case. :)

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Lol if a war part comes, I won't do very well. The problem is that I can't train either, due to the 91 level gap between my hp and my level. It seems that my hp goes up and everything goes down or stays the same. Ah well, I still love the lab ray anyway *hugs lab ray*

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Well then, since you are using the lab ray you are effectively training your pet aren't you? :P

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I guess, but I've only been getting negatives for the past week or so.


But anyway, even though my battle pet isn't very strong at the moment, I still want a war part. It'll be fun. Of course, TNT briefly mentioned the plot in this week's Editorial and the word "war" or "fight" wasn't mentioned once, it was only mentioned puzzles. That may be a bad sign.

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