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SuperBowl XLII!


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So, who's watching this year's game? I think it's on February the 3rd.

And if you're watching - who are you cheering for, and who do you think will win?


I like the Packers... unfortunately they didn't make it. And I'm pretty sure the Patrioits are going to continue their record. :)

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Patriots vs. someone... I don't know. I don't really like to pay attention to that stuff. Come to think of it, I don't like to pay attention at all much. I do know I'll be watching the Super Bowl, though. I watch the commercials and the half-time show, and I'll check the score every so often to root for the New England team!


yup, ^_^

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I'd like to watch it, but I can't as I'll be in school (it's Monday here when it's Sunday in America <_< )

Still, I think the Patriots will win. They've got so much momentum after their great season.


P.S: I'm a KC Chiefs fan (yeah I know they suck, I picked them at random several years ago). Hopefully they will have a good season soon...

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Ah, that's too bad DOOM. They should schedule it on Saturdays instead... of course, that could completely go against the whole "Sunday night football" tradition. ^_^


I'm looking forward to the halftime show, mostly because Tom Petty is playing. Unfortunately, I also heard that Paula Abdul is playing...

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I'm watching the Superbowl with some friends, I can't wait for the game and of course the commercials.

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Well, I did watch the game!


Surprisingly, I was remembering the rules of football more than mom XD And I just watch one match per year, lol! (well, sometime I watch the Grey Cup too XD)


I didn't see any amazing commercials... they were all bleh.

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Congratulations to the NY Giants (and the Dolphins for retaining their record). Of course, I didn't actually get to view the game(darn school...), but I did get score updates throughout the day. The last score check I heard before coming home was that the Patriots had just scored with 2 minutes to go. I was VERY surprised when I got home and read the match report, I thought the Patriots had it in the bag...

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It certainly was a good game. I felt really bad for Tom Brady though - poor guy kept getting tackled before he could even throw the ball.

Did anyone notice that whenever the Patriots actually completed a pass, it was caught by either Moss (81) or Welker (83)? It looked like a three man team on the offense.

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Yes, yes, they lost, it's over, boohoo... get over it. I mean, absolutely everyone at my school wouldn't shut up about the final score. Even the teachers. It's no big deal, it's really just a game, but no, they have to act like their first-born just died in a car crash. Really.

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You guys all have to admit deep down inside you knew the Giants were going to win. :P

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Amazingly that thought never really crossed my mind until they were up in the 4th quarter (the first time when they were up, not the second time where they won). But then when the Patriots scored just before the end I thought it was all over.


*sigh* If only I could have watched it...

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Amazingly that thought never really crossed my mind until they were up in the 4th quarter (the first time when they were up, not the second time where they won). But then when the Patriots scored just before the end I thought it was all over.


*sigh* If only I could have watched it...

Ehh, it was a slow game though.

Can't you watch it on Youtube? :P

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I could, but I meant I wish I could have watched it live. Still, if I find the need to watch it, I'm sure I'll find it easy enough.

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I could, but I meant I wish I could have watched it live. Still, if I find the need to watch it, I'm sure I'll find it easy enough.

Yeah Live is always better including the commercials.

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