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Well... I've been trying to play it, and I jumped into season 2. I defeated the mr. chuckles on the first try, and it wouldn't show that I had defeated it on the DN page. But on the battledome page, is said that I had... So I let it be for about a week, and tried again just now. I beat him, but it still shows that I haven't beaten him...


Does anybody of any ideas? Am I supposed to play Season 1 before 2?


No you don't have to beat the first series first... on the page where you win the fight there should be an additional option "Return to DoN Headquarters" ot something like that - you must click that for it to register that you've beaten him for the DoN challenge :)


If you are doing that then I have no clue why its not registering you've beaten the opponent...


If Izzy's suggestion doesn't work/you've tried it already, you could always clear your cache and see if that helps.


hmmm.... I tried those, but they didn't work... Maybe I'll just try fighting that thing again... (is it any wonder that I've always been terrified of 'c's? Look at all the trouble this one is causeing me now... *humph*)


That won't help - DoN2 is pretty much independent of DoN1. You shouldn't have any problem with DoN2 if you haven't done DoN1...


I guess you're right Shess - trying a second time would be the best course of action.


I don't think DoN1 affects DoN2 in any way at all.

I seem to recall doing Mr Chuckles and the rest of DoN2 first (as all the DoN2 challengers are pretty easy)


Now I'm just waiting for my pet to get sick so I can beat Meuka...


I'm having the same problem here... if only there was another way to get Meuka as a challenger.


After fighting Chuckles like..... four times(?) and winning, it FINALLY let me go on to the next opponent... and there's a battledome challanger that you have to be sick to fight?


Yep, one of your pets has to have Sneezles or Neoflu and then you visit the Quick Reference page to unlock Meuka.


After that though, you can fight Meuka anytime you want.


As Sneezles and Neoflu are pretty hard to get, it's extremely irritating trying to get Meuka as a battledome challenger. <_<

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