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Well, this contest is very easy. You have to write a sentence about your personality. It can be one thing that you like or it can be something like "All my friends think im funny!" or "All my friends think im too depressing..." Yes...people wanna know the prize....Well this contest there will be a first place winner and second place winner and a third plcae winner.


First Place: Anything under 5k

Second Place: Anything under 3k

Third Place: Anything under 1k


Contest Ends

Friday, January 11, 2008


If you guys still dont understand here is a example...Eg. I am a llama lover! That explains one thing about me, I like llamas.

You'res too has to explain one thing about you.


Well Good Luck!



(PS:If you use any of the sentences in THIS post it will be VERY unlikely that you will win first, second or third)

(PPS: If one person puts "All my friends think im funny"(EXAMPLE) and they win but someone else copied after and they didnt win..then im sorry that person will not get a prize)



Good Luck!


Sounds pretty fun, I'll enter a sentence and see my luck. :yes:


My sentence is:

Despite the fact that some people might describe me as obnoxious, irresponsible, stupid, or all-powerful; I don't believe that I'm any of these things; instead I believe that I'm quite the opposite - well-behaved, responsible, pretty bright, and power-less without supernatural intervention, but we won't get into that.

I would like a piece of regular dung please. =D


YAY for being the only entry!!!

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