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Hello, I'm a new member here at TDN. I just felt it would be worthwhile to tell you that I joined because I was very impressed by the coverage and quality of the site. You seem to have a couple of major advantages: you understand the users, and you have good code. Knowing the users has a huge advantage - you can create targeted resources that get used. When someone visits, you give them a reason to visit again, not to mention a reason to tell their friends. Good code just makes everything work right and enhances the overall experience.


One more thing - the pages load fast! A dial-up connection has me in the habit of starting something then wandering off for a while. I don't have to do that here, so thanks.


Thanks very much, raeyin! We put a lot of hard work into this site, and it's always nice to receive some positive feedback. :)


Are there any suggestions you could make as to how to improve TDN?


Raeyin, how sweet from you to leave a positive message! :D yay! I'd give you a cookie, but some poisoned cookies are floating around the forum!



We will try to stay on that track, and as Eric said, any suggestions to improve our site (or departments) are welcome. :)


Yeah, our staff do work hard to provide the best content, that I have no doubt. I really appreciate your comments, too Raeyin! :)


And I must agree that the pages do load much faster these past days than a while ago.


Take a cookie. *hands cookie* Don't worry, it's not poisoned. Really. ;)


Wahoo! This is the first actual feedback in a while. We usually get complaints and problems here. xD


But thank you, it means a lot to all of us.


I officially agree, in every way, with all the statements that have been made in the first post of this topic. Since the RAM upgrade, the pages really have been loading faster...


I've never had a complaint about TDN and I can't see myself ever having one.

I completely agree with raeyin, the staff and members have worked together to make one truly awesome site.


I'd give you a cookie, but there was a mix up at the warehouse and the mind control cookies got mixed up with the normal ones. Then again, I never thought I'd give out a normal cookie, so it doesn't really matter.

I officially agree, in every way, with all the statements that have been made in the first post of this topic. Since the RAM upgrade, the pages really have been loading faster...


Well, yeah, you know - more RAM = faster server = faster loading of pages = smaller loading times = we all happy. :P


That's true in all common PCs too. If you put more RAM, it'll be faster and quicker to operate because the processor no longer needs to hang to execute that complex cycle of data, which can be a heavy program, for example.


That must of been one of the best introductions I've seen yet. ^_^ Welcome to the site Raeyin.

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