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When I come on thedailyneopets.com or tdnforums.com I get a notice saying Internet Explorer could not open the pages "operation aborted." However, when I close it I can navigate the site. It only happens when I come on these sites so I think you should check it out.


Ellie, could you tell us which version of Internet Explorer you are using, please...


Then I guess Ian shall look at it :)




Edit// Ryan is having the same trouble =/


I'm using IE6. This happened earlier and when I came back just now, I didn't get it. I asked my BF and friends and they got the same problem. When you close the warning a second time, you are sent to the "Cannot Display Page" window.


Yep, that's what Ryan told me too...

I can't test it myself because I'm on mac, and I don't have Internet explorer, of course!



TJ is investigating in IE7... and it seems to be working fine.



Hmm, well this does seem to be posing a problem for all those IE 6 users.


And now a report from my IE7 (even though I use Firefox....) - I keep IE for coding and purposes such as these. =o


IE7 = running smooth.


And now a report from the Staff Admin Panel =o


thedailyneopets.com: OK

mysql.thedailyneopets.com: OK

tdnforums.com: OK


All systems are like... GO!


Hmm... perhaps Microsoft managed to mess up IE6 in one of their recent updates?


I don't have that much against IE6 really, but why aren't you using IE7? Using IE6 leaves your computer with a lot of security holes. :yes:


IE7 is still too buggy to use and it isn't as simple as IE6. I don't really surf the net a lot so I don't find it necessary to change browsers, yet. Anyways, the error has dissapeared, but it would be nice to investigate the problem just we know what caused it.


Maybe it was some sort of server disruption?


And I don't really want to turn this into a talk about browsers, but while I won't contest that IE7 is still somewhat buggy, I think its design is a lot simpler than IE6...

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