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lab ray map set - how much would that be??

i have 6 outta 9 pieces of the pet pet lab map - lookin for the other 3. . ..my pieces are in my gallery.anybody who has the ones i dont get at me.

and how much is ah basic golden nerkmind


It depends on the type of nerkmid you get. Most are unbuyable, but some are easily found on the shop wizard. I don't know the names of the buyable ones, however. :(


The Basic Golden Nerkmid is over 100k (around 120k I think), I'm pretty sure it's an unbuyable and has to be gotten from the Trading Post/Auctions. The Basic Golden Nerkmid is also the cheapest...


EDIT: 170-180k for Basic Golden Nerkmid on the Trading Post


Actually, if I were you, I'd save my money. Chances are you'll probably end up losing your money. I've used two nerkmids and I have gotten nearly nothing from them (except I was about 3 places off of a bronze trophy, but that was just lucky, I still lost lots of money)


oh, i only plan on selling it. to get money. but i am saving upp my money afterwards still. thats what i've been doin a lot is saving money - i still gotta get 3 pieces of tha pet pet lab map . . ..and im saving upp for tha lab map. . ...how much would it be all together i see people saying like 750k for it.


The bulk of that 750k was from the massively inflated final piece, but I believe that Tarla managed to deflate that one. I'm not exactly sure of the current price though.

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