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It's Christmas at TDN!


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Hey guys,


We've put up our brand new Christmas layout on both the main site and forums. We hope that you enjoy this holiday season... Merry Christmas to all. This Christmas will definitely be a very fun and exciting time at TDN - lots will be coming this next year!


Thanks for your support!


The Team

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Wow, this is a really great layout! Pity it doesn't snow here for Christmas (actually it doesn't snow EVER :O *gasp*)


Still, Happy Holidays y'all!

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I love the winter layout nice work on the layout staff.

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I agree with everybody else here - great layout for the Christmas theme! If I had anything to complain about, it would be that it was too Christmas-y, but why would anybody want to complain about that? :shiftyeyes_anim:

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Suddenly I feel like a snowball fight... *loads snowballs into custom-built automatic snowball launcher*

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