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Hey somie! I'm Dj and I'd like to welcome you to the forums. Don't worry, you'll learn about how things work here eventually, just remember that we are all a bit crazy but we don't bite :D . Here, try one of my famous cookies *gives cookies*


Oh! A newbie seeking guidance! Well, for starters, I would suggest reading the forum rules. You'll find the link at the top of the page. Once you're done with that, simply explore and introduce yourself to other people, all the while avoid The Evil Guy's cookies.


Oh no, that can't be right. None of us would dream of depriving a newbie of their cookies. Here, have a whole plate. *gives plate*


And welcome to the forums by the way. If you're a little confused, don't worry too much. Hang around a bit and you'll become as insane as the rest of us! (:


hey im anna! welcome to TDNF! home of the insane and half insane! (psshh..don't worry you'll just be half insane like me :D) BWAHAHAHA! -POOF-


Names jennifer call me scarecrow if desired i am the naughty girl in this group (>=D) my rival? THe evil guy! Trying to take over the world before me >=O anyway I hope you enjoy it here.... Wanna be my servant for world domination O.O?

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