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Forbidden Letter


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Huzzah, huzzah, three cheers for AA who has (at long last) successfully happened upon a vowel!

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This is a brilliant letter to be left with just before going to bed - obscure enough to be easy, but common enough to exercise your brain.

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I could type a whole paragraph, in fact I could probably type an entire book, and never use the this letter. Even if I did use it, as

long as I didn't put a "u" with it you would never hear it. If a letter is used in a sentence and no one hears it does it make a sound?

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i want to learn that, i just know HTML. I forget it every year during school, then start getting better and remember in the summer

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I am currently fluent in HTML and CSS, but my JavaScript is still patchy, and I can barely code any PHP at all.

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The second least common here though. The E was repeated because the first one included the word "mine" so she forced one of us to do E again. In that case, me. Quoted from the main post in the topic:

NOTE: If you do include the forbidden letter, the next person must start off with the same letter rather than the next.
This is so cool, I can type loads without using the current letter. That's right, it's in a river. Whoosh! Down the drain it goes. Time to boogie!
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Thank you rosy! everyone keeps repeating my letter.... STOP IT PEOPLES! I'm not using the the letter!

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