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The Evil Wish Game

The Original Luna

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Granted. But you float out of range of the off key, and are doomed to be sick forever.


I wish that I would stop seeing all these shifty eyes! (see shoutbox)

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Granted. Instead you start seeing various smilies that blast you with laser eyes.


I wish I had a perfect voice recognition program.

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Granted. Unfortunately it hears you say "I wish I was dead." and complies.


I wish I had an anti-laser shield (for obvious reasons).

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Granted. You fish up some from the Underwater Fishing cavern in Maraqua.


I wish for my shares to rise in value.

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Granted, they all crash a second later.



I wish I was 1337

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Granted, and you get banned for it.


I wish people would use proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

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Granted. It steals all your cheese.


I wish for hundreds of people to join Wildlife 2.

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Granted, but you get suspended shortly afterwards.


I wish my ankle would stop aching.

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Granted. Your whole leg starts aching instead.


I wish for a never-ending stream of ideas.

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Granted. Your leg gets frostbite and has to be amputated.


I wish for a faster computer...

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Granted, but it crashes soon after.


I wish I was done with all of my homework...

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Granted. You're stuck in a nuclear missile that's launched at the moon.


I wish for a piece of paper.

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