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The Evil Wish Game

The Original Luna

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Granted, but you don't know anything else.


I wish for all the books due to be released in the next year to be released NOW!

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Granted, although you have nothing to power.



I wish I had 1 billion dollars.

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Granted, but your assets are frozen when you're arrested for fraud.


I wish for some time by myself.

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Granted. You're torpedoed by a U.S. Military attack submarine for heading into restricted waters.


I wish I had an unlimited supply of bombs.

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Granted, one accidently explodes and blows you up.




I wish I could have a party :D

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Granted. You are now the head of a political party that has virtually no chance of winning the elections.


I wish I was telepathic.

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(That's already been said by someone.)


Granted. The thoughts that you hear in the form of voices eventually send you mad.


I wish I was the best pianist in the world.

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Granted, but your fingers are chopped off soon after.



I wish I was Prime Minister (of Aus)

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Granted, New Zealand is then promptly destroyed (no offense to any NZers, you know I love you all :D )



I wish I could kill a yak with my stare.

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Granted. In fact, as a bonus, you completely obliterate the yak! In return you have two restrictions: you can only eat yak, and you have to look at whatever you eat.


(I am a Kiwi, by the way)


I wish AA would stop poking me.

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