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The Evil Wish Game

The Original Luna

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((I think I said exactly that a few posts ago.))

Granted. You are drilled instead.


I wish I didn't have to go back to school.

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(( :O You're right. *plays Twilight Zone music*))


Granted. You now have to go something worse than school. Work. xD


I wish the flavor in gum never ran out.

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Granted, you are now filled with bloated overconfidence.


I wish exams didn't exist.

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Granted, but a new law is implemented which requires you to do community service nonstop during vacations.


I wish I was better at Yooyuball.

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granted, but after winning 10,000 games by the third day, someone will accuse you of cheating and your acount will be frozen.


i wish my team will win the altador cup

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Wish granted, but everyone else will be jealous and then find a way to steal your account.


your suppose to make a wish :eh:

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granted, but now the other one will break.



i wish i can think of a better wish...

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Granted, but it's barely any better


I wish I had a cupcake


granted. but now you can't enjoy baked goods.



i wish school started at 2pm.

and ended at 2:04pm.

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granted, but now you can't get enough credits from high school, drop out, and live the rest of you life as a hobo


jeez, now i wish i'll never be a hobo

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Granted. now the people that assassinated Thaladirith will to do the same to you.



i wish that it wasn't so hot outside, but still warm enough to go swimming without being frozen. :)

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Granted. now the people that assassinated Thaladirith will to do the same to you.



i wish that it wasn't so hot outside, but still warm enough to go swimming without being frozen. :)


granted, but all the water is gone


I wish to eat a kangaroo's eyeball (don't ask why)

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Granted, but you can't control it and before you know it your mind is crushed from the overwhelming amount of thoughts you hear.



i wish i could fly

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granted, but they only last for .0001 seconds each day.


i wish i wasn't afraid of heights so that i may take to the skies and fly

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