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The Evil Wish Game

The Original Luna

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Granted. It's now utterly boring.


I wish I could think faster.

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Granted, but you think too fast and you explode. :O


I wish I got more sleep last night. x_o

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Granted, but you end up being completely unable to wake up.


I wish TNT would fix the glitch with their HTML filters.

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Granted. That person is a spammer.


I wish Micro$oft was capable of making a web browser with at least minimal support for international web standards. <_<

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Granted. They never release it, however, on the basis that it is not profitable.


I wish I could think of something to wish for.

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Granted, but the thing you think of is of no benefit to you.


I wish my printer worked properly.

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Granted, but you get one later anyway.


I wish I was more fluent at writing Python scripts.

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Granted, but................................................... OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IDK what to say!!!!!!!!!!


also Sky shadow, I already have one


I wish my brain was jogging(not literally)

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Granted, but your brain takes it literally (thanks for the idea :P ).


I wish people could actually understand me half the time. XD

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Granted. They proceed to respond using terms that you can't understand.


I wish this was not a wish.

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Granted. It's now grown to 100 times its original size and decides to eat you.


I wish I had a fresh pie.

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Granted, but your term of decent isn't in alignment with mine.


That being said, I wish the next poster could think of a good wish for me. xD

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Granted, but it isn't good


I wish the next half an hour would fly by

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Granted. So does the rest of your life, and before you know it you're dead.


I wish I wasn't so bored.

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Granted. It infects your iPod with a virus that prevents you from playing anything on it.


I wish more people would participate in my roleplay.

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((One person would be wonderful. There's currently just me, Theo, and Levy.))

Granted. Sadly my definition of "trolling" is walking around with a large club and talkin' like dis.


I wish people understood the ideas I try to put across to them.

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