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Granted, but one second later you are alive again.


I wish that I was eating some honey right now. (I eat honey...and peanut butter...on its own! o=)

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Granted, but you suddenly come down with an akergic reaction to it and die.


I wish that this wish ended hapily.


Granted, but the happiness of the wish isn't very happy at all. D:


I wish that I could make some carrot juice right now. :D


Granted, but the juice explodes when you make it.


I wish that all wishes would wish for this wish to come true.


Granted - however, as you did not specify a wish, nothing happens.


I wish everybody would use the metric system of measurements (seriously, why do they bother with the confusing imperial system? o_O ).


Granted, but the metric system gets changed so it is not based on any specific number, and thus looks just like the crazy imperial system.


I wish I didn't have to write a term paper today.


Granted, but you have to wite 101001010101017 tomorrow.


I wish I had the most evil thing in the world.


Granted, but the evil thing you get is actually counterfeited. o:


I wish that I wasn't so tired right now. :sad01_anim:


Granted, you're not tired when dead.


I wish for a pickle that tastes delicious and I can eat and that my tastebuds will not change.


Granted, but it is eaten by some random hamster before you get to.


I wish everything was clean all time and of the trash on the ground would magically disappear so no one would have to pick it up.


Granted, but the dollar is in another form of currency other than the one that you use.


I wish that I didn't put so much sugar in my iced tea that I drank. xD


Granted, but this means that all the sounds you make are reflected back and forth endlessly until there's so much noise your eardrums burst.


I wish I had a cookie.


Granted. You now have it in your hand, but suddenly you've become severely allergic to all types of cookies.


I wish I was invisible to everyone except insane hoboes.


Granted, but you mouse keeps blabbering on about random stupid stuff when you're trying to sleep, and you try to cover your ears with a pillow but that doesn't even work. =[ oh well...


I wish he knew........ :*


Granted he knows.. but doesn't feel the same :( sorry!


I wish I had an extra day off work


Granted, but you have to spend the day doing only things you hate more than work.


I wish it wasn't thunderstorming outside.


Granted instead it is thunderstorming inside.


I wish I could run in a feild with butterflys


Granted, but the butterflies are poisonous (If they could be) and the grass in that field is orange, and your feet burn when you step on that grass.


I wish that I have unlimited gum, waffles, money and music...*dream* ^^


Granted, but your house becomes so packed with waffles and gum that you can't push your way out to enjoy any of your money or music.


I wish I was sleepy.


Granted. You fall asleep and never wake up.


I wish I could do a perfect assignment every time.


Granted.. But you copied it off another perfect assignment and fail.


I wish there were purple people eaters


Granted, but the purple people eaters are actually purple chicken eaters. :P


I wish that Meepits would have their names changed to Meepies.

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