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The Evil Wish Game

The Original Luna

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I wish I had some chocolate.

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Granted, they're evil horses of course. :evil:


I wish I could post faster.

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Granted.. but it snowed so much that you can't lease the house because it is completely covered in snow.


AA if you could post faster, there would be no point for the rest of us!!! :P


I wish I didn't have to go out in the rain to get some lunch

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Granted.. but it dies the same day (sorry it is the EVIL wish game)


I wish I could go home instead of having to go out tonight :(

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Granted, but your home burns down.


Yes, I may be the fastest poster on here, but I still find it difficult to keep up with every single topic in my limited time frame.


I wish it was 8pm instead of 11pm.

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Granted.. instead you have to read journals on a very boring man, who sat around and did nothing all day for 70 years (by the way they are really LONG journals) *yawn*


I wish it wasn't raining.

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That's not very nice!!!


Granted.. but she comes back to haunt you and you can't get rid of her!


I wish I had a plug for my laptop battery

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Granted.. It materialises, so he sits there and eats it


I wish I didn't have a blocked nose.

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Granted.. but the rest of the world doesn't


Now I have a flippin cold :grrr:


I wish I didn't have a cold!!

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Granted. You now have a hot. Definition: A rare disease that causes the victim's body to warm to infinite temperatures.


I wish I was immortal.

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Granted.. but everyone else dies, so you are all by yourself


I wish I was back in bed :( I HATE BEING SICK!!!

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Granted.. The dog now has a fever and is very hot...


I wish I was half bird half octopus

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Granted, but you are now only half octopus half human. Oh well! (Being human is okay.)


I wish that I had a clean room! (I hate all the clothes and shoes and random stuff in the floor :<)

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Granted but that means you have to clean it :P


I wish I was invisible.

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Granted, but you are only invisible when you are in a rural area. :(


I wish that I stopped squeezing unneccessary "like"s in sentences when I talk in real life. xD (Yes, I have that habit. It's not a good one.)

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Granted but now you "squeeze" cow into every sentence at lease twice


I wish I could take away peoples pain

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