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The Evil Wish Game

The Original Luna

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granted, you WILL get a good night sleep, but the bad dreams won't stop coming to you!


I wish my bad habit to double post and grant the wrong wishes would go away

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Granted, it goes away... for five seconds.


I wish I could think of something to wish for.

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Granted.. but now you can not think of anything else


I wish my back wasn't sore :(

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Granted - a mysterious disease is attacking your nervous system so you can't feel anything below your neck (and you'll be paralysed soon).


I wish the lifts weren't always so full.

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Granted but now they stop at every single floor


I wish I could find my coke

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Granted, but it suddenly tastes horrible.


I wish I could get all my work done faster.

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Granted but it is so long that it now trails on the ground (eww)!


I wish I had of had breakfast... I am starting to get hungry :(

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Granted - but wait! Your grammar mistake invalidates your wish!


Edit: Gack, got beaten to it - but you didn't make a wish! :P


I wish we were allowed more siggy space.

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Granted, but that is the only space you are allowed. haha no more posting for you *cackles*


I wish AA would stop pointing out my gramatical errors!!!

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Granted, that is the only thing he won't point, the other errors are still pointed out! *you being insane from being terribly annoyed by the errors*


I wish to wish the wish I wish to wish

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Granted, but then your record is immediately broken by someone far superior.


I wish that I was uber 1337

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Granted. You get banned immediately from every forum in the world for spamming and undecodable chatspeak.


I wish I could control time.

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Granted. They've bitten you so many times already, none of them want to do it any more.


I wish I was better at drawing.

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Granted but you are extra sensitive to everything else... and come down in rashes etc


i wish I could think of a wish

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Granted, but the International Grammar Association comes after you (again :P ).


I wish I had a large, heavy object to throw.

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Granted, but the topic was closed for being inappropriate (really, it happened).


I wish I had a sandwich.

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ya, just noticed...:(


Granted, but butter's spoiled already...

I wish I can make more better topics(note, this is not my wish so please answer this positively)


ok, real wish!!!!


I wish we had enough money to buy a scanner here on our computer

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Granted, you get the scanner but the computer breaks down.


I wish I had more TIME!!!!!!!!! :grrr:

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