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I need two more pieces I think. But this stupid Neopian Times riddle is getting to me. Okay so, I believe it has something to do with Dr. Sloth && Art Gallery. But I must be wrong. Someone want to hint please?


I've been trying everything that starts with the prefix re. Well since there is an extra re in offered, i thought this might make some sense. Actually, in general alot of words are unecessarily repeated. I even tried "repeat", "redraft", "redo", "rewrite". Also the response about asking questions over and over again also ties into re. I feel like i'm grasping at straws...


I know what you mean. I have been going through the art gallery for about two hours now. It is so boring. I don't kow what I am looking for. Only because it had something to do with maybe its talking about Kruledor?


I looked up the third day of Running. It was cancelled. So it is talking about how the idea was put forward but LACK OF INTREST cancelled it. Canceled. Maybe it has something to do with the space station.


Maybe it was "ReSchedueled"


im guesing the is before the Overthrowing one,or after the Jerry house one


if you are past the jerry house one let me know the answer,or hint me so i can get passed it,i will help you when i get to where you are


well is it just me or doesn't Neopian Times 3rd Day of Awakening 2007 exist? i found the template, though, here's the link: Issue #176 -- (it's NT 4th day of Awakening, Y7, by the way) you can see the pictures, the words above and below match perfectly, but the article, "Time Machine Update" does not exist anywhere in the issue... heck, it doesn't exist in any issue. (course, i could be wrong, but i checked.)


OMG,i have something on this


take the first letter out of every word in the first paragraph in the order it is in it spells Christmas month advent gifts


but what can this mean


cool i didn't notice that! **searches advent calendar giveaways**


advent calendar '06 giveaways: LINK


advent calendar '05 giveaways: LINK


it seams like a big hint,maybe its nothing,i cant find anything though


im thinking its something thats always the same as it is like an avatar


i tried that avatar you get on december.. doesn't work though. :( still searchin...maybe it's one of those gifts. meeh. wouldn't hurt to try. :(


OMG,i havent slept at all its 5:10 over here where i am in the morning,anyone have any ideas,anyone else have ideas of what the answer is


i am still workin' on it zak... :(


(all efforts to keep in the 7-word rule.)


actually, i already figured it out... i mean, why say "Christmas month" when "december" is shorter? then i got it. :( i'm now on those ancient runes thing.


Im Thinking The Answer Is


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