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Welcome to November!


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Welcome to November!


The leaves have fallen and Autumn is in full bloom. We have much to look forward to on Neopets during the month of Storing.


Slorg Day is in just 3 days, followed by Pteri Flying Championships (Pteri Day) on the 8th. The day to celebrate Neopets, Neopets Birthday Day takes place on the 15th! Neopets will be turning 8, whilst Usul Day is the 27th, and the month draws to a close with Xweetok Day on the 29th.


We're also expecting games including the remake of Tug-O-War, Ready To Roll, and Terror Mountain Tilt.


For now, make sure you get your monthly freebies, and then complete today's FCA and Daily Puzzle! Whilst you're busy, why not complete your dailies, then check out the forums for a great community of Neopets players just like yourself.



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why does TDN haven't got these things that people can see that the item tomorrow will be a wearable..

I don't know how people come up with this stuff but i have seen many users who have bought items before they are wearable and know they will be... :P


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why does TDN haven't got these things that people can see that the item tomorrow will be a wearable..

I don't know how people come up with this stuff but i have seen many users who have bought items before they are wearable and know they will be... :P



Can you rephrase that question? I didn't quite understand, what was your idea/suggestion.


Welcome to November everyone! I got the Halloween Sidebar! *does a dance*

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Can you rephrase that question? I didn't quite understand, what was your idea/suggestion.


Welcome to November everyone! I got the Halloween Sidebar! *does a dance*

I GOT THE SIDEBAR TOO! *doesnt dance on xepha* Hmmmm Im gonna wait to get my freebies.

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Can you rephrase that question? I didn't quite understand, what was your idea/suggestion.


I think it means some people can figure out which items TNT will make wearable later in the day, and they buy the normal cheap item and then later sell it when it mega-inflates. I think he wants you guys to predict which items TNT will make wearable in the future. o_O

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