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I just wanted to say these people have the Halloween spirit!


Kaguroi Haato, All Hallows Muffins, Smumpkins, Vampire Sam of the Shadows, Zac O'Lantern, SuperZombie, ' Bewitched Xepha ', The Spooky Dillon, BOOmer the Ghost, Spooky Mischievous Penguin, Ian the Pumpkin Clown, Meeptroid, Mr. The Big Severed Arm, Dr. Evilbunny IV, Monomaniac Matt, and Flying Spaghetti Monster all have the halloween spirit so put your hands together for them! (get it spirit xD )



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Guest Kaguroi Haato

Why ain't my name up there? Kaguroi Haato means Deep Black Heart, last I checked that was kinda evilishly halloweeny. I would have changed my name to something better but then I wouldn't be able to change it back until the 15th.

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YAY I AM UP THERE!*starts cheezy commerical* We do it becuase we care. We care about the members of TDN.*ends cheezy commericial* Err um I mean because we ROCK!

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Aww You forgot Boomer (It has boo in it doesn't it?) I used my name change at the begening of the month XD so i can't change it till November -_-. If i could i would have been BOOmer the Ghost...

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I just wanted a new name.

Though I'm the most terrifying monster.


When little kids got to sleep, they're scared of Zombies/Ghosts/Witches etc all found in stories, so they're sorta prepared for them.


But when a Giant Flying Spaghetti monster breaks your window and comes floating through, Then you have to worry, no-one is prepared.

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