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It's Halloween at The Daily Neopets!


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It's Halloween at The Daily Neopets (as you can see by our pretty swanky new layout on the front page!).




We're all prepared for the big night, and our forums have some activities planned

(got a ghost story to tell? Spook us out in the Stories forum!), and we'll be staying up all night watching for

evil Meepits and scary Ghostkerchiefs (trust us, they're some scary petpets).




We're also getting some reports that something is getting into TDN's management system, it's all rather odd.

We've sent Jerry, our Pteri mascot, away to investigate, and he'll report back in due course; but with Halloween

coming up tomorrow, it's all a bit weird...stay tuned!

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I just heard back from Jerry... something has gone amiss in the TDN system... err. I'm going to go ahead and look into it. Spooky stuff... considering it's Halloween and all. :) Hopefully it's not that big of a deal... but maybe it is! *gasp* :O

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OMG TDN IS UNDER ATTACK! *runs around in circles like an idiot* *screams* OMG were all gonna die!


Err umm ok thanks for teh update.

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I am- Me and my friends are dressing in white togas, and differently colored accessories- I'm pink, so i'll have my white toga, and pink eveything else! But Halloween's not till 2morrow here in the U.S...

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Yay for Halloween :P

I'm just celebrating it with you :D (not doing anything special tomorrow night... except staying home, hiding from the kids and the meepits!)

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Happy Halloween TheDailyNeopets!


Can't wait to hear the report from trusty ol' Jerry the Pteri.

Hopefully there were just a few bugs in the system. Bugs may appear more on websites during the festive Halloween season.

Also, Meepits seem to have invaded my display name and avatar at the moment.


I'm taking my siblings trick-or-treating tomorrow, so maybe I can mooch off of them a little.

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