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Breaking: New Zombie Paint Brush!

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Ew... what is that?! Oh, it's the new Zombie Paint Brush! This paint brush will turn your pet into a Zombie, complete with ragged clothes! Currently the Aisha and Flotsam are the only confirmed pets, but there's probably more out there waiting for Brain Wraps.


Update: Our Neopets Redraws section has been updated with this new Zombie color. Check it out!




So this must be the mysterious Paint Brush we were waiting for?

Pretty awesome if you ask me. Still, it's probably one I'll never pick up anytime soon.


Hmm I guess thats cool. Mabey the new island will open up... or mabey not.


Well, this is even more incentive for me to surf the site on Halloween. ^_^


nice =O I wonder where it will be available from.... i sure hope it's not another of those random event paint brush or something =( would be nice if they gave it out as a prize on halloween... even if that mean huge drop in price. That would be nice for some newbies to have an interesting paintbrush and their would be the customisation item from it =)


I am quite happy that they released somehing creepy rather then cute and fluffy =D Not that I know of any kind of fluffy kind of paintbrush they could release o.o their enought cute and cuddly paintbrush (baby,fairy, royal and such)


well as I was discussing with a friend zombi might open a topic about blood on neopet.... their's vampire pet and now zombie I wonder if blood will be allowed one day =( I know the lil kids are sentitive and all but how will they know what blood is if no one show them XD


Wow, awesome! That's the first new PB is...ages.. I think the new pets look great. I'm surprised they went with something so similar to the Halloween theme, but I guess it's a great PB for customisation.




Pets: 8/10

Clothes: 7/10

Paintbrush Image: 9/10

Creativity and Originality: 7/10

Average: 8/10



Guest Lemonest

omg this is like the only forum i could find that is discussing this...

um... can i get this pb by surfing in the site?

and i need to surf ON the day of halloween or any other day like today... 25 th.??



omg this is like the only forum i could find that is discussing this...

um... can i get this pb by surfing in the site?

and i need to surf ON the day of halloween or any other day like today... 25 th.??





ok i registred :D


Well....Im not sure I really like the 2 pets that are out right now, but the paintbrush itself looks AWESOME! Props go to the eyeball! :yes:


We're keeping on top of it and so far no other pets. :(


*sign* I missed the old paint brush just when I was painting my pet glass it retired and now my dream pet the desert paint brush retired too! that is so unfair at least not put it on the random event! NOOOOO! next was invisible paint brush and now that retired too... CURSE YOU NEOPET!!!!


Jennifer - You can still use both the Lost Desert PB and the Invisible one :) "Retired" rarity just means you can't buy them in the shops anymore. Glass and Stone PB are the only two that no longer work.



As for the Zombie PB: There are two pets (as far as I know) that have been zapped Zombie by the lab ray already, MelodieDesWindes and Crak3rs. There's also someone selling the PB in the actions, last I checked it was up to 5.25 million!


it was bound to become an expensive paintbrush =o I can't wait to see what the next pet will look like. I am sure they will release a zombie lutari. I hope it look like th one on the book from the advent calendar =D


Nope, just Aisha and Flotsam so far.

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