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This is a board for Avatar the Last Airbender.

One of my favorite shows and this will (hopefully) be the place to talk about it.


The only thing that I ask is that you don't post spoilers of episodes that haven't aired yet.

The following episodes are up for discussion:


Any episodes in Book 1 & 2

The Following episodes in Book 3:

The Awakening, The Headband, The Painted Lady, Sokka's Master, The Beach.

(I will edit it as more episodes become available)



What did you guys think of 'The Beach'?

I felt it was a really good episode where it gave a lot of insight into the Fire Nation Gang.




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What do you mean by that?


I think he was referring to the guy who blows stuff up - he's just using a unique variant of Firebending.


'The Beach' was good, kinda filler-ish, but still good. Azula was just too hilarious. XD


avatar good in a weird wayO.o it scary really scary it from nicclodean!! can you believe that but the aurthor who draws them he good there fighting and stuff Katara was so smart useing water bending to move the water when she can run faster and she uses ice to see her reflection like a mirror and tolph like xonmg


Uh, yeah - I kind of get what you're saying. I mostly like Avatar for the story - there are like a hundred other reasons which I can't be bothered to list.

avatar good in a weird wayO.o it scary really scary it from nicclodean!! can you believe that but the aurthor who draws them he good there fighting and stuff Katara was so smart useing water bending to move the water when she can run faster and she uses ice to see her reflection like a mirror and tolph like xonmg



Um....I hate to sound like a needy ned but could you please try writing a little better next time?



I felt the Combustion Man (yes, it sounds really corny!) looks like a better villan so far than Zhao & Zuko.

But he will never :sad01_anim: be better than Azula!

I liked the stories at the end & I liked who Azula said


My own mother thought I was a monster.

She was right, of course, but it still hurt.


My favorite thing in this new story arc is how uncle is ripped! I mean, he dresses with padding to make himself look dumpy, but DANG!


Why he's getting buff? I've the feeling that there's nothing better to do, and possibly because he intends to bust out. *shrugs*


You mean his control over lightning? I think that's awesome. He's too awesome of a character to get rid of. :yes:


Iroh can do a lot more than lightning - I'd say if he fought Azula, it would be an even match. I think he's exercising so that he can cut through the bars above him and maybe squeeze through that window - or perhaps just blast his way out of it.


I was thinking that he was strengthening himself so that he could lead some form of resistance.


Well he is a member of the Order of the White Lotus - speaking of which, do you think Aang and the others will get involved with that order? They already met two members of it (Iroh and that sword master guy).


That sword master was pretty awesome. I wonder what cool things Saka's sword can do. IT'S BLACK!


And as we all know, black is the coolest colour. I think it will probably be unusually hard, but I'm not sure if it'll be particularly special in any other ways. At any rate, it'll be stealthier than a shiny sword.


I still cannot get used to Aang with hair.


I think Aang looks much cooler with hair. Since the sword is made from a meteorite, I've a feeling that it will have some strange property to it. You know that they made it out of that material for a special reason. :yes:


I guess so, but what kind of special property?


I find Aang weird and out-of-place with hair, although I have to admit with the headband he looks just like a normal kid.


Man, I never knew there were so many avatar fans! ;)



I'm not sure but does anyone think that Iroh looks like Hulk Hogan?

They're both 2 old guys that have look so buff.


Yeah, I think that the Lotus Tile will come in handy at some point. After all, Piandgo (I think that's the sword master's name) gave Sokka a Lotus Tile.


Yup, I'm guessing at some point in time they'll have the help of the White Lotus order, probably that tile is some kind of pass or something.


I just watch the beach today.. x3 I cried a little. It was sad.. D: Then I laughed at the ending and was like, "Those jerks deserved that!" XD



I felt Mai and Ty Lee's stories were awesome.

And I loved how Ty Lee stood up to Zuko.

She showed Zuko that just because he has a scar he's not the only one who's suffered.


I think that it was neat how she was talking about how it's bad for your skin, and he went off on her. T'was quite amusing! :yes:



It kind of sucks that Zuko has a permanent scar but Katara did offer to help.

It's his fault that he didn't say 'yes' fast enough.

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