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Welcome to TDN taanya! I'm AA, the local evil mastermind and cookie seller, so would you like a cookie? *offers*

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Hello Taanya.

I can answer why you may be getting off at a bad start:


-You must have seven words or more in your post.

-You can't have just smilies.

-NEVER double-post

-Try using capitalization

-This is not the Neoboard


That's pretty much why. Practice these and you should be a good member here at TDN Forum!

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That's alright, it's not a huge deal! Welcome to the forums, my name is TJ, feel free to call me that or Superfly!


If you have any questions or need help finding things please feel free to ask.

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Right 'O!


TDN's Dailies page is one of the most visited pages by our users. I'm glad you joined the forums, you will surely make a great member.

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