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I've never had apple strudel before *ponders*

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I wonder how to spell onomatopoeia. Oh wait, I just did! :D

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Call me Ishmael

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This is Sparta?!?!

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I guess so

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That's good

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Lol, I have dinner soon, so that should be good. Tasty... :D

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No, but fish and chips would be nice. I'm having chicken kebabs and some Nasi Goreng (sp?) rice. Are you having fish and chips? :P

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Indeed. But if I disappear for a while with no explanation, it's because I'm having dinner.

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If I disappear for a while with no explanation, it's because we've got another reactor leak. <_<

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Wow, what keeps causing these reactor leaks?

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The reactors. We upped the critical mass limits, but miscalculated the strength of the infrared shielding layer.

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Uh... I'll take your word for it :P

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Slip, slop, slap! (it's an advertising campaign for protecting your skin. Lot's of sun and skin cancer here in Australia)

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