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Last to post wins!


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That's great Revenge, but I win. Also, I unfortunately do not fear your mightyness...

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Yeah, what he said. As for my meepits, chill out, have a rest, maybe play some cards whatever you want *winks*


If you're not a member of my huge personal meepit squad, then the above doesn't apply to you.

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Meepit 1: Dude, I'm bored sitting around here doing nothing. I wanna go use this hardware on something. Blow up a few buildings.


Meepit 2: Yeah - hey, howcome AA's squads get to run around destroying stuff, but we're stuck here playing cards?


Meepit 1: I'm gonna go down to management and see if I can get a squad transfer. Coming?


Meepit 2: Sure. I'm just itching to blast something.

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