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Problem viewing neopets images


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Hey everyone. :)

Starting yesterday, I've been having problems seeing most neopets images on my computer, the problem being that the actual image doesn't show up - if it links to something I can still click the link, and it still occupies it's normal amount of space.

The images I can't see are active neopets, event icons, header links (except for the link to neopets home), and on the homepage - pics for notable neopet, random poll, and recent winners.

I also don't see anything when I open up a game.

I can see avatars, advertisements and on the homepage - pics for latest games and new items.


I'm not sure why I'm having problems, other than a guess that I might need to update my macromedia flash/java.

I would really appreciate it if anyone could shed some light on the situation.

Has anyone else had the same problem?

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I had this problem before and it's a pain! I re-installed flash and it still didn't work! I don't know if your using IE or FF, but I had this problem on with IE. I only use FF now and I haven't had a problem since I switched to it, so maybe that is the problem....hope that helps!

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