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TDN's 2nd Birthday Giveaway


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Starting off the end-of-year holidays with a bang, TDN's 2nd Birthday Giveaway is now open! There are 25+ total items being given away to anyone with an active neopets account to send them to.


Some of the items are:

  • Codestones
  • Bottled Faeries
  • Dubloons
  • Piece of a treasure map
  • Chocolate Mousse

And a lot more....


If you wish to enter and try and get one of them, go here and type your Neopets username in! Entries will stop being collected at 7:00:00 PM NST. And be sure to donate so we can fund all the upcoming events!


Update: Entries are now closed. TDN received exactly 1521 entries! The slorg ate the Devlish Cake.

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Guest Kaguroi Haato

Yay! That makes one and a half insane happy happy years with TDN!

*Levy winces as someone jabs him with a pitchfork*

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Oops I think I sent mine twice...it sent me to some wierd poll page so I thought it hadn't worked...but I think it did...does that mean I get disqualified?


Nope, that is fine.


=/ Thanks Dillon. :P When I woke up this mornin I had over 500, around 800 a few hours later at school, and when I got home(which is now), the official number is something higher. :D

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Guest Kaguroi Haato
When I woke up this mornin I had over 500, around 800 a few hours later at school, and when I got home(which is now), the official number is something higher. biggrin.gif

J/C!!!!!!!! If I ever got that many a day I would just delete them all and say 'screw it'. -_-'

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