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I've played banjo kazooie...


The person below me is excruciatingly tired


False, although I am rather sleepy.


The person below me is a Super Member.


True! XD


The person below me is a staff member.


Uh... false. I don't like either. :P


The person below me posts in word games a lot.


False, seeing as I have no reliable measure of the intelligence of people in my age group.


The person below me knows what phishing is.


True and false, varying according to what I'm trying to remember. :P


The person below me is working on a set.


False, I have no experience on any graphic programme


The person below me prefers using 24 hour time (as in 2200 instead of 10pm)


False, just because I'm not accustomed to it and if I did use it, it would probably confuse me for a while xD


The person below me knows someone who is attempting to read a dictionary.


False, since I'm not very good and if I do try and play sports it's usually in the spring/summer =/


The person below me has nothing to do...


False. I have homework lol. And it's 11:18 PM. And yet, I still choose to spend my time here :D.


The person below me is procrastinating.


False. But I'm not really bothering to do much. XD


The person below me is hungry.


False, I just had a small Snickers bar. That settles it for now. ^_^


The person below me has a day off of school/work tomorrow.


False. I have an exam tomorrow as a matter of fact.


The person below me is interested in Windows 7.


False, it just seems like a ripoff of Mac OS X and Linux at the same time. :/ And I saw a screenshot of Win7 and its interface has not changed except for its taskbar...was expecting something more major lol.


The person below me thinks/thought that Vista was/is a disappointment.

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