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The Person Below Me


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False. Just not interested enough


The person below me is having a bad hair day

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False, I had to go to school :( (so technically we can't sleep in unless we're sick-I wasn't sick today) I wake up around 6:15 every morning...and school starts at 7:36 o_O


The person below me has an annoying older brother or sister.

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Not sure what all falls into metal music, but I assume screamo is, well, screaming? :) If so, true! I don't mind some "noise" music as long as I know what they're saying (and that there's not too many swears ^_^ ).



The person below me has never been on a rollercoaster

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False. I'm quite patient, and proficient at getting a word in at the perfect moment. :P


The person below me has tried GIMP 2.6

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Never been to one, but I probably wouldn't like it much o_O I like my food simple, I like cheese pizza. Just cheese. Not a million other things on it too :D




The person below me has, all too often, typed out a lot, went to post, but the page didn't load properly and they lost all they wrote :evil:

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Nope. Happened maybe once a year ago, but certainly not often.


TPBM hates it when people answer "yes" to a which one of the following is true question.

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False. I've never actually seen him, but I hear he's pretty bad. :P


The person below me knows what libpurple is.

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