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The Person Below Me


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False, thank god, I might have to kill myself if I did!


The person below me actually likes the photo on their passport

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Meh it varies depending on which version I have installed


The person below me is going to the beach soon

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True as it takes an age to open up when I turn it on


The person below me hates the whole "if it's itchy, don't scratch it as you'll only make it worse" thing

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True. I always end up regretting scratching...


The person below me knows how to compile software from source code.

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yes! ipod = life .... well not really. pwning ppl = life


the person below me is an alien.

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I'm not sure whether to say true or false...they're alright


The person below me has been really surprised at seeing rain lately

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True! I wanna play the xbox but it's in my brother's room and he's still in bed!


The person below me has too much time on their hands

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False. It was true only a few days ago, but alas, time passes fast. :P


The person below me backs up their files regularly.

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