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False. I like touch screens. :P


The person below me has some preferences that could be considered weird.


True! I don't really like pizza


The person below me likes multicoloured straws!




The person below me doesn't like using public computers, and when they have to do so always checks thoroughly for any form of keylogger or tracking program before doing anything else.


True about the public computer thing, but I don't look for keyloggers and other stuff like that.


The person below me saw two girls about age 12 or 13 at a library computer using Myspace once in their lives :x


False. I avoid libraries if possible.


The person below me likes to find secluded corners in which to work.


True...I like peace and quiet when I do my homework, but sometimes I play a bit of music. Ahh.


The person below me has a room the size of two closets. :sad01_anim:


False! My room's nice and...average! I can fit a 2nd bed in there anyway


The person below me likes finding songs that describe their life!


True, I guess. As long as I like the song.


The person below me thinks that musical artists shouldn't alter their voices to make them sound better when they put out records.


Erm... false, since I don't really have an opinion either way.


The person below me has stayed up late before helping a friend with an assignment.


True... happened to be quite fun!!!


The person below me wants to have orange chocolate coconut balls?




The person below me likes Australian beef pie.


False as I've never had it


The person below me has screamed when they died in a computer game before


False, although I have planted my face into the desk. :P


The person below me is expecting somebody right now.


Not that I can remember....


The person below me likes cockroaches


False~ Cockroaches are groooooss. I'm okay with ants, beetles, spiders etc etc...


The person below me has heard someone say that whoever believes in ghosts are chickens. xDDDDDDDDD


Nope don't think I have, although I could of and just not remember.


The person below me thinks the sky should be full of multi coloured stars


False, because that would probably indicate incoming high-explosive projectiles.


The person below me is tactically-minded.


Not so much


The person below me has a pain in their stomach


I am wearing a black singlet under my terquoise wrap thing, so I guess so.


The person below me knows the difference between orange cows and purple elephants?


Of course then people could colour me in all different colours!!! Now wouldn't that be fun :P


The person below me likes the smell of eggs?

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