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The person below me is making his/her last post on the forum for today.


False, probably


The person below me likes pasta with nothing on it


True. I don't care for sauce on my spaghetti all that much.


The person below me is a proud Internet Explorer user. o:


False.. I prefer to use FF, but have to use IE at work.


The person below me would like to be running around in a field of green butterflys and yellow grass


Erm, there would have to be some sort of reason for doing that. I don't just go out randomly running everywhere.

The person below me is procrastinating.


True.. I have a report on my desk that the valuer wants done, but I can't be bothered...


The person below me has flown around with yellow elephants and golden giraffes


So false...:P


The person below me likes to correct other people's grammar and spelling. (Then you would make a good editor o:)


True... I always ensure that at work I have a swively chair!


The person below me lies in the snow with blue polar bears


False. I mean, I would have to be on some sort of top-secret Arctic mission to poison polar bears for that to happen. :shiftyeyes_anim:


The person below me likes solving equations.




The person below me wants to dance and/or jump around!


Nope... want to get a blanket and snuggle into it


The person below me wishes that lions were green?


True ^_^ I'm wearing shoes at the moment though (Mmm high heels :P)


The person below me has slept with a disco ball as their only lighting. (I tried it once and I hated it somewhat)


False, that would annoy me.


The person below me is going to paint their bedroom walls black


False - DOOM agents don't have fixed bedrooms. The walls are already black anyway.


The person below me prefers to sleep in total darkness.


No it freaks me out! I begin to wonder if my eyes are open or closed


The person below me can sleep with their eyes open


No clue...it's a bit hard to tell though...I'd just go with false ^^


The person below me eats at their computer sometimes. (I eat candy/drink water at the computer sometimes. Lol.)


Sometimes.. Depends what I am doing or where I am.


The person below me thinks the rain should be the colour of purple snowballs


False. It rains all the time here - if the rain was the colour of purple snowballs, we would barely be able to see anything.


The person below me uses the 'calculator' program in Windows.

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