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The Person Below Me


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Definately on a weekday, depends what I am doing on a weekend though


The person below me likes all their coathangers to match and be in the same direction?

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False... I am right handed


The person below me has at least one thing that always has to be perfect?

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Yes. It would be my doodles, sketches and linearts, my food, my lip gloss and my graphics and much more. I don't want to tell them all :D


The person below me has a fear of heights, clowns (I almost said clouds xPPPP) and thunderstorms.

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False. Mastery of thunderstorm manipulation is essential for any evil mastermind. :devil:


The person below me runs MoTA.

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????? :S


The person below me has seen the movie IT.. I watched it when I was young and it scared the crappers out of me, so I decided to get it out again the other day and it wasn't even scary :S

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MoTA = Mastery of The Arts. Check in the contests subforum. :)


The person below me is a participant in MoTA.

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The person below me likes their opinion to be heard?

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Well I suppose just about everyone on this forum does, otherwise they wouldn't come on here, because that's pretty much the point of a forum... So that's true I guess.


TPBM noticed that I haven't posted here for over 4 pages.

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False, because it was pretty much the same for me. :P


The person below me should be working.

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False. I don't really have preferences in food.


The person below me is dizzy.

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I have an irish essay and a maths exam to do so true?


the person below me has played gta4

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I don't go to school, so false.


The person below me has an A- grade average?

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We don't use that kind of grading system, so I'll have to say false.


The person below me is irritated enough to snap at anybody who disturbs them.

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False. :shiftyeyes_anim:


The person below me has a siggy that breaks the forum rules. :P

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