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The Person Below Me


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False. Although I used to be allergic to yoghurt when I was a kid.


The person below me likes OpenDNS.

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False as I don't know what it is


The person below me had has too much to eat

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False, but I might get it in a few hours. :P


The person below me is extremely tired.

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true, to an extent


The person below me has read scott pilgrim

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False.. never heard of him


The person below me likes to abrieviate things?

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False, I'm sitting on a bench in a busy park coordinating a stealth operation.


The person below me has too much to do.

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False.. Met quite a few, even have a friend who use to be one.


The person below me likes dancing in the rain?

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True :)


The person below me sleeps with a teddy :)

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False.. but I do like the forums :D


The person below me has responsibilities beyound their normal age group?

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False, at least I don't think I do


The person below me has a cut on their arm! (oh poor you)

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False.. I quite like shopping, would be better if there was only me in the mall instead of lots of people!


The person below me is sick

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?? Not sure...


The person below me has got the pack rat avvie?

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