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The Person Below Me


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False. I am a humanoid alien that has been around since the dawn of time.


TPBM doesn't believe the above statement made by myself.

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The person below me thinks that Tom is a humanoid alien that has been around since before the dawn of time.

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^ Yeah I love Lost.

< It's one of my favorite shows

V What do you think will happen on Lost? (if you watch it of course)

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XD Everybody got mixed up. I'll continue the game again. :P


The person below me is hungry.

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TPBM got confused and thought this was a different game.

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False. I'm well acquainted with you, but I wouldn't say I knew you well.


The person below me chooses their friends carefully.

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don't think so


the person below me finds it really annoying when tv gives rude people french accents

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False. As I rarely eat popcorn, I have no preference.


The person below me is feeling slightly giddy.

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Eh, false I suppose.


TPBM can't beat AAA's score in Meepit Juice Break.

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True so far.


The person below me is getting mad at the creators of the Juice-O-Matic.

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Eh, I gave up on today's challenge reasonably quickly so False.


TPBM has completed today's Daily Dare challenge.

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False. Just stopped at 1791, aiming for higher...


The person below me is frantically clicking pipes and trying to post at the same time.

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