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False. I'm already done two university programs, but I'm not against going back to school.


The person below me would go crazy without the internet for a week.


False. My internet is fast enough. My processor speed is not.


The person below me has accidentally destroyed an electronic item (phone, computer, television, toaster, etc.) with water.


False. My brother broke my PSP with water but I personally have never spilt water on electronics.


TPBM is sick.


True-ish. In fact, I wrote a Post-Cup Interview a while back. *shoves everyone to AC news*


TPBM is TDN Staff.


True, mostly Digimon and Pokemon from when I was a kid though.


TPBM has a paint brush in their house.


True. For painting houses or painting artwork :D


TPBM knows that their best subject is art.

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