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The Person Below Me


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True. I play the viola (for those who don't know, it's like a violin)



TPBM has skied before (I haven't)

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True!!! (Look at my avvie and sig for proof :P )


The person below me likes my set (thanks V)

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False. Just a couple of laser cannons and a partially constructed plasma-dispersal device.


The person below me thinks the DOOM badge needs an update.

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Eh a little bit. It could do with an update, but I don't mind if it stays the same.


TPBM would buy a meepit as a petpet if they had a spare 2 million or so lying around.

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False. DOOM has enough employees already. :evil:


The person below me has a spare meepit lying around.

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True. I have a few hundred spare meepit legions lying around, the rest are either training or hunting Anti-DOOM protestors.



TPBM doesn't like Anti-DOOM protestors.

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True. The protesters are annoying, but the bunch of young, new, independent evil masterminds Levy is culturing are okay.


The person below me doesn't like DOOM.

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