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The Person Below Me


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False. But my new kitten likes carrots and brocolli as treats, so I guess if you saw it that way, then true ;)


The person below me has had their golden birthday already (Mine is this year, 24, on the 24th of april)

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False. I'm not very good at coming up with gallery ideas.


The person below me likes parody music.

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False. I like some NC, but I'm good at limiting myself. It could be easy to go over the edge though.


The person below me likes chewy cookies more than crunchy cookies.

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If you want to get technical, since I am on staff here, I am at work :P But otherwise false.


The person below me wore green on Saint Patrick's Day in fear of getting pinched.

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False. Air conditioning is only useful to me for about 2 weeks each year, so it's not worth my time to install one.


The person below me likes the colour yellow.

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